Format Ringkas Kertas Kerja
Minggu ni dah mula sibuk dengan kertas-kertas kerja yang akan disiapkan oleh guru. Bila sekolah ada bengkel takwim, guru besar perlukan kertas kerja untuk masukkan dalam bajet sekolah. Maka bermacam2 la reka bentuk kertas kerja..
Konsep Kepimpinan
Pemimpin bermaksud individu dlm satu kumpulan yg mempunyai tugas mengarah, menylaras, memantau laporan yang berkaitan aktivi kumpulannya. Pemimpin juga seseorang yg diiktiraf mempunyai pengaruh, berwibawa...
Senarai Tugas Jawatankuasa Program
Tugas guru tudak hanya tertumpu kepada proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran di dalam kelas sahaja. Perkembangan sahsiah dan sokongan melalui beberapa program adalah juga sebagai pembelajaran bagi murid. sebagai contoh, pelaksanaan program kursus kepimpinan pelajar, program sukan sekolah, program 3K, bulan panitia, ataupun Hari Kecemerlangan Murid dan macam2 lagi “counselling”. .
Konsep Kepimpinan 2
Transaksi : Teori ini bermaksud pertukaran. Ia bermaksud beban tugas yang diberikan apabila pekerja dinilai dari bentuk ganjaran, upah, kenaikan pangkat dan lain-lain. Pelaksanaan teori ini akan menjadikan pekerja lebih dedikasi atau lakukan apa sahaja tugas asalkan ada gaji atau upah lebih daripada biasa
Isnin, 28 Mac 2011
Amalan Khurafat
Rabu, 23 Mac 2011
Video Untuk Rakan Setugas
Khamis, 17 Mac 2011
Making An Effective Oral Presentation (4)
Some presenters not take seriously the time after succeed a presentation. They always think finished the presentation is enough about the topic. Actually, reflecting about the presentation is quiet important. Presenter must look or reflect what he had done during his presentation, either the presentation successful or not? What was made the presentation success and what detracted it. Presenter can ask from some audience or organizer, if the presentation satisfied to them. Get the responds and accept the critics or comments then follow the way to improve it next time. Take seriously in having comments about tackle the audience attention, the content, the slide or other. Identify and analyze the content can bring an achievement in the next presentation.
Shortly, an effective oral presentation divided to three parts, before presentation, during presentation and after presentation. What presenter must be alert before presentation is a preparation. This is important part to make a presentation successful. Presenter must be a master about the topic. It’s mean the content of topic must be referred with pure sources. He also must preparing the things of visual aids. Visual aids that can be use like computer with in Power Point, picture, poster, OHP, LCD Projector or others what are suitable with the topic. Visuals will be help the audience more understand and keep focus in our presentation. Presenter must check the venue early before presentation. Checking about sitting the audience, the equipments, air conditioner, lighting, LCD Projector, the screen, audio system, where the presenter can stand and move during presentation and also checked with the organizer. Then, the most important thing is rehearsal. It’s mean practice, practice, practice. Practice can make perfect. Practice the presentation in front of the mirror especially the speech. Trained with Power Point or aids many times and also check the slide. Delete if point is not suit to the topic
During the presentation, especially in starting, greet the audience and tell them about the topic. Why the topic is important and how it can help people. Presenter must be relax, enjoy and calm among presentation. Smile and thinking positive can be conquering the nerves looking. Appearance also can help but must be comfortable with body. Use a suitable dress and knows the culture at the place. Alert about things which is the audience don’t like to hear. Breathing and body language can help the presentation fluently. Body language showing an expression of presenter like face with a different show. Standing can make the presentation boring. So, as the presenter we can move left or right or maybe around the room. Control the voice, the volume, pitch, even the colour of voice. Use a different intonation in related to show the emphasis point or idea. Use the simple language or words which are understand by the audience. Look the audience among the presentation. Keep on with eye contact and don’t look at only to a specific audience. Allow them to give the questions or opinions about the topic. Make the right conclusion or summarize the presentation at the end of it.
Reflect or looked again after finished the presentation. The sign of the successful presentation is such as the audience understands or can accept all the points that were presented. Checked it with the audience or organizer either their satisfied the presentation or not. Reflection is so important to make the improvement to the presentation at the next time.
Some suggestions to make an effective oral presentation:
1. Attend the training of public speaking or oral presentation.
Speaker or presenter must be attending the public speaking or oral presentation training. It can improve skills about presentation and speech to audience.
2. Increase knowledge in computer software especially Power Point.
Power Point in Microsoft Office package is so easy to use in presentation. It’s so friendly using and more presenter or speaker using this software to present their topic. If we are not familiar with the software, training is needed or tries to get other software for presentation to make it more interesting.
3. Adding the new element of IT in presentation like internet or social website to improve the knowledge to make presentation better.
Adding the IT equipment and quote or reference in website can make the presenter or speaker sensitive a current issue when it can be shared with audience. Audience like presenter who can make bring the issue or example close to them.
4. The venue or room presentation must be completed by the latest equipment.
The room presentation or venue if can be upgraded with latest equipment. Presentation and speech can be fluent with supporting and helping the aids. Speaker much more comfortable and make easy to delivered the topic.
5. Presentation must be referred from the original sources and based with true experience.
The thing that important is referred the point with pure sources. Like religion speech by religion speaker for Muslim must be referred with Quran and Hadith. That’s why religion speech is popular because their connected between the pure source with current issue. Also adding an experience by the speaker can make audience respect and may be able to give a guideline to solve problem.
A&C Black. (2005). Give Great Presentations: How to Speak Confidently and Make Your Point. A&C Black. (OUM Digital Collection).
Leech, Thomas. (2004). How to Prepare, Stage and Deliver Winning Preparations, Third Edition. Amacom. (OUM Digital Collection).
Mintz, Steven. (July,2005). Oral Presentation Skills. Columbia University.
School of Public Health. (August, 1998). Oral Presentation Techniques. Bolton University.
Sidika Gizir & Hasan Simsek. (August, 2005). Communication in an academic context. Faculty of Educational Science, Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
Storz, C. and English Language Teachers. (August, 2002). Oral Presentation Skills: A Practical Guide. Institute National de Telecommunications, France.
Rahimah Yeop. (October, 2009). Pengucapan Awam. Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN).
Chapman, Alan. (1995-2010). Presentations Skills. [Online].
Available: ( September, 2010)
Crack, Donald. (1998). Presentations. [Online].
Available : ( September, 2010)
Flemming, Dr. Carol. (1999). Way You Say It: Becoming Articulate, Well Spoken and Clear. [Online]
Available : ( September, 2010)
Gillet, Andy. (n.d). Speaking in Academic Contexts, Presenting a Seminar Paper. [Online]
Available : ( September, 2010)
Language and Learning Online, Monash University (2009). A Guide to Oral Presentations. [Online]
( September, 2010)
Learning and Teaching Unit, University of South Australia (2009). Making The Most of Oral Presentation. [Online]
Available: ( September, 2010)
Princeton University. (2001-2002). Oral Communication. [Online]
Available : ( September, 2010)
School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials, Newcastle University. (1999-2009). [Online] Available : ( September, 2010)
Selasa, 8 Mac 2011
Bahan untuk Mengajar dan Belajar
Ini adalah sedutan dari filem Ngangkung (2011) yang boleh digunakan terutamanya dalam set induksi guru dalam matapelajaran Tauhid Darjah 6 dibawah tajuk "Sihir" atau "Khurafat".. tapi ingat... jgn pula tayang satu filem... ini untuk set induksi guru sahaja.... selamat digunakan...
Making an Effective Oral Presentation (3)
Relax, Enjoy and Calm
Presenter tries to find ways to make the contact and delivery enjoyable with imagination and humor. Humor can bring an enjoyable presentation but not too much and definitely under control. Humor can be injected with many ways example audience participants, with a prop, picture or cartoon or a short story maybe according an experience of presenter. Smile can show the confidence of presenter. The audience are look at the presenter with a full of confidence to show the point and comfortable also the ability in handling the situation during the presentation. Sometimes, audience gives a responds or questions or opinions about the topic. Answer it with calm and smile. If you don’t know the answer, postponed it or deal with him later. Presenter appearance is important. Why? It’s also showing a respect from the audience when the speaker present with a full of knowledge, experiences and come with a perfectly preparation about the topic. The dress must be comfortable and suitable with the day and the topic. For example when we’re present in Thursday, dress can be “Batik” or dressing “Baju Melayu” in Friday.
Refer to Boston University (Oral Presentation Technics, 1998) breathing during the presentation is different from normal breathing. Breathing deeper is for volume of voice, control a voice and nerves and emphasis about the things of point will be delivered. Feel nervours when starting and during the presentation are normal. Take a deep breath can reduce it and makes you more relax.
Body Language
Body language is important factor that presentation could be good and enjoy. It can be concrete and understand more delivered about the topic. Body movements express at your attitudes and thoughts really are (School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Material, Newcastle University, 2006). Use body language movement and position well to attracted the audience attention. Audience can feel boring and not more interested hearing the presentation when the presenter that only stands and not moving sometimes. Please don’t stand in front of screen when the projector is on. It can make deep effects because troubling the audience view to see the interesting slides with examples. Walk purposely and confident to the front of audience. Then, avoid movement too much. Sometimes, too much movement being troubles the focus audience and it can make audience rasa uncomfortable and tired. Posture and facial expression also can show an interest idea. Presenter must maintain the eye contact with group of people. Not only focusing one person. It may unnecessary by other audience during presentation. Avoid annoying habits of presenter like talking with hands in pockets. It’s make low of confident for presenter by audience. Speakers should be careful not to add extraneous words or sounds—such as "um, " "you know, " or "okay"—between words or sentences in a presentation (
Voice is important element in speech. Presenter must speak loudly but don’t shout. Shouting making audience stress and not comfortable. As the speaker you don’t be rush or too slow. Use voice by changing volume, pitching and using pauses to indicate to a new point or emphasing the key note. Grant-Williams (2000) wrote that five main terms for using voice. Is volume, tone, pitch, pace and colour. Volume is how loud the sound is. Audience to be heard without shouting. Tone is about characteristics of a sound. It’s like voice carries laughter can get the audience smile. Pitch is how high or low a note is. This is how long a sound lasts. Talking too fast causes the words and syllables to be short, while talking slowly lengthens them. Varying the pace helps to maintain the audience's interest. (Donald clark- – 1998).Deliberately pause at key points - this has the effect of emphasising the importance of a particular point you are making. Pitch your presentation towards the back of the audience, especially in larger rooms ( Pauses can available when the audience gives respond with claps, laugher or others. Speak with the simple language or words to keep safe a pronunciation and intonation. Intonation show what the important or give the expression about the point or examples.
To Audience
Sabtu, 5 Mac 2011
Making an Effective Oral Presentation (2)
How to delivering an effective oral presentation? Simply, we give it in three parts, there are before presentation, during the presentation and after presentation.
This part known as preparation for an oral presentation. The preparation for oral presentation must have listing things to get a quality presentation.
As a speaker we must know about the audience before presentation especially about audience’s background because it will be comfortable when delivering the speech. The speaker also must know and think about their expatiations. It’s important to know about how their level of knowledge about the topic. Speaker will be known what are expected and unexpected question from audience. When knowing the question, it can prepare and answered smoothly.
Fact and Idea
Speaker must organize the fact and ideas then ensure it brought into the main body of the presentation until the conclusion. It must be referred or taken from establish sources like books, journals, researches or experiences and logical with situation. Speakers will be describing the point one by one and speak clearly to make audience understand. When the speaker get the ideas, he must analyze and structure it from the top to the bottom or what must describe first. Give the explanations about the points and it’s better if he can bring the example for each point. Make sure to memorize one or two research or good quote from popular person. It can make presentation delivered more powerful. Remember, give credit quotes to the source where they were been taken.
Writing The Speech
When discussing about presentation, people must know it’s not a reading. Write a few words or key points what we will be present. He also can draft the speech but must be train frequently so that the speech can be fluent but don’t bring it when gives a talk. Audience can be dropping the speaker personality and give a negative impression to him. Using the “cue card” can be helping and put the numbers for each card. Write in a small piece of paper is also a good idea.
Think Visual Aids
Applying a suitable aid give more benefits and also can help audience more understand and focus about the topic. It’s also keeping the presenter on the right track along the presentation or it’s become a guideline. Some points can clearly described and people know the truth for each point by showing an example. Presenter must think what the visual aid can help him during the presentation. He can use Overhead Projector, maps, charts, film clips or nowadays popular using the computer software like Microsoft PowerPoint. When using PowerPoint, some rules must be follow so that the audience can be interested during the presentation such as size of fonts, font type, background style, using the suitable colours and differencing the title and points with “bold” and “italic” style. The slides for points can be more interesting when adding pictures or videos. It’s can shows a true situation about the point and also give the advantages for the speaker.
Presenter must take a look to the venue early or a day before presentation. Room sized and setting where presenter will be standing in is so important while the audience can see the presenter and slides clearly. He also knows the audience must feel and sit comfortably during the presentation in the venue. The equipment must be checked and working perfectly like the lighting, the audio system and LCD Projector. Air conditioner or the temperature in the room is suitable and comfortable with the audience. If it not, presentation cannot be fluent and so many interruption during presentation, example some audiences in-out from the venue if the temperature too cool or warm.
Practice can make perfect. Presenter must practice the speech in front of mirror or friends to give critics and respond where disadvantages can be upgraded. Allow a plenty of time before the event. Monitor the time when do the rehearsal. The time must suit with presentation and the slides are not too long or short. The slides must be checked and effective by presenter which is linked to the point or not. Try and practice speak clearly, slowly less but not too rush. Speaking too rush can make presentation very tough, to serious and may the audience doesn’t accepted and not get the point from the presentation. The presenter should practices the eye contact or body language with audience. Use the body language such as a body movement and position well. Don’t stand in front the screen when the projector is on. So here, rehearsal is important to ensure our presentation goes well and smooth.
Making an Effective Oral Presentation (1)
People give presentations in any ways in life. Today, presentation is important to show people how the job working and explain the people the job are doing. In academic, oral presentation is talking about research or assignment to show their achievement. The presentation can be oral (spoken), multimedia (using various media - visuals, audio, etc), PowerPoint presentations, short impromptu presentations, long planned presentations, educational or training sessions, lectures, and simply giving a talk on a subject to a group on a voluntary basis for pleasure,( So, what is oral presentation?
The word “oral” from oxford dictionary (2007) mean spoken or not written. While, “presentation” is a meeting at which something is shown or explained to a group of people (Oxford, 2007). Thomas Leech (2004) give presentation is the practice of showing and explaining the content of a topic to an audience or learner. Presentations and reports are ways of communicating ideas and information to a group. But unlike a report, a presentation carries the speaker's personality better and allows immediate interaction between all the participants. (Donald
Oral Presentation is a talk given to a group in which you present your views on an issue or topic based on your readings or research (University of South Australia). In website defined oral presentation is delivering and address to public audience.
For the conclusion, the oral presentation is speech in the part of communication with somebody can describe or explain the ideas to audience who can understand more. It can be present with a technology especially Microsoft PowerPoint or others to improve understanding and make audiences clearly about the topic.
Speech Training
People who want to present something must train themselves. Dr. Carol Fleming – Specializing in Vocal Development and Communication Training listed training must be included voice improvement. It becomes verbally competent, fluent and gracious. It’s also included the breath, voice, intonation or others. Second, communication skills development. It’s developing a commanding presence. Skills can be improve highly with step by step development and trained by professional. Third, improve public speaking. People can speak with confidence and gain credibility. It’s help to more relaxing and enjoying while presentation. Last is developing your social skills in the workplace, that’s the secrets for getting promoted. This is how we can explain our research or work with job mate or friends and also how we communicate with them softly, clearly and friendly.
3.1 Transactional Model of Communication
The oral presentation have link with transactional model of communication. So, the presentation is suitable with this model. Transactional communication model is depicts communicators as sending and receiving massages simultaneously. This model includes with communication elements is communicators, encode, decode and channel. (Maria In the other hands, the speaker and the listener are sending and receiving the massage. It can be a communicator as a sender as well as a receiver simultaneously. In the other word, speaker and listener can interact with the idea to increase the information or respond things. This can make the situation more alive during the presentation.
Skills and strategies in public speaking are so important. We need to know what are the strategies could do to deliver the ideas then reach to the audience. Skills must be studied and improved all the times to avoid one way communication or boring situation during the presentation. It is includes how to tackle the audience, interesting slides, relevant pictures and videos, humour, question between speakers and audience and etc.
Rabu, 2 Mac 2011
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